Why you should use the Django admin: 9 tips

Posted on Wed 09 December 2015 in Programming • Tagged with django, python, adminLeave a comment

This writing is inspired by a comment on Reddit concerning my recent post:

The problem is that everyone I speak to seems to think the opposite - that the admin is super-limited, inflexible and hard to customize.”

andybak on Reddit

I’m about to break this prejudice right now. The Django admin is a really brilliant piece of software, which can significantly speed up your development.

Here are some tips about the Django admin, which I’ve found to be quite useful.

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When you shouldn’t use the Django admin

Posted on Wed 11 November 2015 in Programming • Tagged with django, python, adminLeave a comment

In case you’ve thought I detest django.contrib.admin — by no means. Actually it’s one of the Django’s greatest features, I really love it. In most cases.

Here’s a real life story. We’ve had to quickly put up the first version of an intranet claim tracking system, and one of our developers was just crazy about the Django admin… So why not, we’ve got along with the stock interface as the primary one for …

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